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Emulab FAQ: Software Setup: Why does my image not boot on node type Y?

Emulab FAQ: Software Setup: Why does my image not boot on node type Y?

When you create your image, you need to specify the node_types that your image runs on. This is done on the image creation form in the Node Types section. There will be a list of the PC node types, and by default they start out as checked. If your image is know not to run on some of those type, then be sure uncheck the appropriate boxes.

What happens if a new node type is added to the testbed? Your image will not run on the new node type until you edit the image descriptor and add the new node type to the list. To get to the image descriptor edit page, find the image descriptor on the List ImageIDs page (see the left hand menu), and then click on the Edit option in the upper left menu.

Simply check the boxes for the new node types, and then submit your changes.

If you are trying to get an image from an older pc type (pc600, pc850) to boot on a pc3000, then you also should read the Images and Kernel Support section of the pc3000 document .