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Preparing the Fedora8 image for MyPLC

Preparing the Fedora8 image for MyPLC

Run /share/plabplc/files/

Installing MyPLC (chroot version) from a Fedora8 image

See next section, the process is the same.

Upgrading the PLC Image to a Newer MyPLC RPM

To upgrade to a new MyPLC RPM run the script /plc/emulab/ <RPM> where RPM is the new MyPLC rpm. This will remove the old RPM, removing any old files, and install the new RPM. You will then need to reboot the PLC node. You should watch the console for Errors during startup. The Emulab PLC setup script applies several patches might fail and thus, need to be fixed. The important one is the bootmanager patch which is in "/plc/emulab/bootmanager.patch". The WriteNetworkConfig patch is expected to fail. You will then need to reboot the PlanetLab nodes.

You should also use this script just before creating a PLC image.

Upgrading to a newer MyPLC RPM while maintaining existing state is untested. If you do this you will need to, at very least, do remove /plc/emulab/bootmanager.patch.done, so that the proper patches will be reapplied, and then reboot.

Installing MyPLC-native from a Fedora8 image

After preparing the image look over /plc/emulab/ and edit as necessary, then run it. It is very important that "plc.d.patch" is applied before PLC starts up for the first time, otherwise there is a chance that the wrong network config files will be installed.

Creating a MyPLC-native Image

The best method is to install MyPLC-native and than take the image before the node is rebooted.

Alternatively you can try to run the script /plc/emulab/