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Checknode documentation

Machine Check : Checknode

This page last changed on Feb  7, 2014 by mike.




Brief Description

The checknode sub-system is a collection of the programs to check the health of a node at reloading time, boot time, or anytime a user wishes to run the nodecheck test(s). An important feature of the checknode system is that at reloading time (aka "in the frisbee-MFS") it logs inventory files on the server "ops" for post processing. Node checking is run automatically at swapin time and can also run manually--and non-destructively--at any time during an experiment. Here, non-destructive means that it would not destroy any data or prevent further use of the node. Like linktest, it would require that the nodes be quiescent while the test is run or else it could affect (or be affected by) whatever else is going on.

Nodetest was first envisioned to include checking other parts of the system such as OS features and Applications are correct according to what the user as requested. This feature is anticipated to be included at a later date.

User Documentation

Standard Operation

The checknode suite is run automatically at boot-time. Users will only see output from the tests if they have a connection to the console output, looking at the console log file, or by looking at the local nodecheck.log file. Logging done on the console is in a condensed output form from what can be found in the local nodecheck.log file.

Boot time console output
Running nodechecks
 Starting timecheck.. offset 0.000019 < 0.005 OK
 Cpucheck..Arch:x86_64 Sockets:1 Cores_socket:4 Threads_core:2 Mhz:2400 HT:1 64bit:1 HV:1 OK
 Starting Memcheck..12GiB OK
 Starting niccheck.. 6 interfaces OK
 Starting diskcheck../dev/sda 500 WD-WMAYP4243392 enabled /dev/sdb 250 9SF16T3N enabled
Have 2 drives OK
Done with nodechecks
  • Timecheck uses ntpdate to compare against the testbed's timeserver ("ntp1") and here the time differential is within tolerance.
  • Cpucheck indicates the Architecture is x86_64 (64-bit x86), 1 Socket, 4 Cores per socket, 2 threads per core ("hyperthreading"), per-core clock speed of 2400Mhz, hyperthreading (HT) is enabled, running in 64bit-mode (64bit), Hardware Virtualization (HV) is enabled. "OK" indicates that what was discovered agrees with what is recorded in the testbed database.
  • Memcheck indicates 12GiB of memory was found, and agrees with the database
  • Niccheck indicates that the machine has 6 Ethernet interfaces, and agrees with the database
  • Diskcheck says 2 Hard Drives found, a 500GB and a 250GB, at /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, both have WCE ("write-cache enable") bit set. Serial numbers and other information agree with what is in the testbed database.

If something is amiss it will be reported like:

Missing disk drive console output
Running nodechecks
 Starting timecheck.. offset 0.000056 < 0.005 OK
 Cpucheck..Arch:x86_64 Sockets:1 Cores_socket:4 Threads_core:2 Mhz:2400 HT:1 64bit:1 HV:1 OK
 Starting Memcheck..12GiB
 Starting niccheck.. 6 interfaces OK
 Starting diskcheck../dev/sda 500 WD-WMAYP4243392 enabled 
Have 1 drive TBmiss: TB Claims 9SF16T3N FAILED
Done with nodechecks 

In the above example one of the Hard Drives is missing according the testbed database. The database claims we should have a drive with the serial number 9SF16T3N.

Manual Operation

Individual checknode tests, or the entire suit, can be run after boot. The test names are:

timecheck - Clock synchronization. Is the clock reasonably in synch with real time.
cpucheck - Type, number of sockets and cores, threads per core, speed, native execution width and Hyper-Threading state.
memcheck - Amount of RAM on node.
diskcheck - Number of hard drives, type, size, model, serial number and state of Write Cache Enable bit.
niccheck - Number of Network interfaces and mac address.

All checks, except timecheck, are compared against the testbed database any differences are reported.

Individual tests can be run by changing to the directory /usr/local/etc/emulab and executing the test, for example:

Example of cpucheck
 $ cd /usr/local/etc/emulab
 $ ./cpucheck
 Cpucheck..Arch:x86_64 Sockets:1 Cores_socket:4 Threads_core:2 Mhz:2400 HT:1 64bit:1 HV:1 OK

All the checks can be run in a batch using the startup rc script rc/rc.nodecheck

Example of running rc.nodecheck
$ cd /usr/local/etc/emulab
$ rc/rc.nodecheck
Running nodechecks
 Starting timecheck.. offset -0.000710 < 0.005 OK
 Cpucheck..Arch:x86_64 Sockets:1 Cores_socket:4 Threads_core:2 Mhz:2400 HT:1 64bit:1 HV:1OK
 Starting Memcheck..12GiB
 Starting niccheck.. 6 interfaces OK
 Starting diskcheck../dev/sda 500 WD-WMAYP4243392 enabled /dev/sdb 250 9SF16T3N enabled 
Have 2 drives OK
Done with nodechecks
Node local log file

Stored locally on the node is the file /var/emulab/logs/checknode.log. This file is truncated at boot time and appended to if the checknode suit is run manually. An example of the log:

Tue Nov 12 11:14:48 MST 2013------ Start boottime_nodecheck ------
Timecheck Tue Nov 12 11:14:57 MST 2013: Time check passed offset -0.000051 allowed 0.005
Cpucheck Tue Nov 12 11:14:57 MST 2013: Arch:x86_64 Sockets:1 Cores_socket:4 Threads_core:2 Mhz:2400 HT:1 64bit:1 HV:1
Memcheck Tue Nov 12 11:14:57 MST 2013: Found phys memory 12GiB Equals node inventory 12288
Niccheck Tue Nov 12 11:14:57 MST 2013: 0024e8793368 0024e879336a 0024e879336c 0024e879336e 00101856abe8 00101856abea 6 interfaces OK
Diskcheck Tue Nov 12 11:14:58 MST 2013:
name driver type size temp model serial wcache
/dev/sda NA SATA 500 27 WD5003ABYX-18WERA0 WD-WMAYP4243392 enabled
/dev/sdb NA SATA 250 26 ST3250310NS 9SF16T3N enabled
Have 2 drives OK
Tue Nov 12 11:14:58 MST 2013------ Finish boottime_nodecheck -----

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Administrators Documentation

Emulab Integration

The checknode suite is a reporting system it does not directly affect Emulab itself. The interface from Emulab is the hwinfo command of the tmcc utility. Other tmcc operations used by the checknode suite are ntpinfo and node_id. The following two tables show the output syntax of the hwinfo operation. If the testbed database does not have a type of information then the output of 'tmcc hwinfo' does not display it.

As checknode runs during the node reloading phase it writes inventory files to the ops server. These files can be processed out-of-band on the server to: 1. populate the database with node information and 2. check for changes in the hardware configurations of the testbed nodes.

calling tmcc hwinfo
TESTINFO LOGDIR="/proj/emulab-ops/nodecheck" COLLECT=1 CHECK=1 
NETUNIT TYPE="ETH" ID="001143e49261" 
NETUNIT TYPE="ETH" ID="001143e49262" 
NETUNIT TYPE="ETH" ID="000423b7211e" 
NETUNIT TYPE="ETH" ID="000423b7211f" 
NETUNIT TYPE="ETH" ID="000423b720fe" 
NETUNIT TYPE="ETH" ID="000423b720ff"
tmcc hwinfo output syntax
1. Info about how to run the test (one line): TESTINFO LOGDIR="<path>" COLLECT=(0|1) CHECK=(0|1) 
2. CPUs (one line): CPUINFO SOCKETS=<#> CORES=<#> THREADS=<#> SPEED=<MHz> BITS=<32|64> HV=<1|0> 
3. RAM (one line): MEMINFO SIZE=<MiB> 
4. Disks (one line): DISKINFO UNITS=<#> 
5. Disk units (one line per unit): DISKUNIT SN=<serial> TYPE=<PATA|SATA|SCSI|RAID> SECSIZE=<#> SECTORS=<#> RSPEED=<MBs> WSPEED=<MBs> 
6. NICs (one line): NETINFO UNITS=<#> 
7. NIC ports (one line per port): NETUNIT TYPE=<ETH|WIFI|IB> ID=<mac>  

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Client side programs

The following files are installed on the client nodes. They are contained and installed as part of the standard install of emulab client OS images.


A local log file is created when checknode is run during the boot of the client OS.

Inventory Files

Remote logging. referred to as inventory files are written to the ops server in the location:


This is the default location however the actual pathname is set by the 'TESTINFO LOGDIR' received from a tmcc hwinfo call.

When the checknode system saves information for the node being tested it saves several files in the directory /proj/<eid>/nodecheck/<node_id>*

  • /proj/<eid>/nodecheck/full

    The full listing from the client software running the node.

  • /proj/<eid>/nodecheck/<node_id>

  • /proj/<eid>/nodecheck/node

    <node_id> and node are the same file it is the database info that should be in the testbed database.

  • /proj/<eid>/nodecheck/tmcc

    tmcc this the hwinfo returned from the 'tmcc hwinfo' call made at the time the client software was run.

  • /proj/<eid>/nodecheck/diff

The difference, that the client software, found between the node and tmcc listings.

When checknode is run during the reloading phase the inventory files are created in:


The information used to populate the testbed database is gathered at frisbee-MFS node load time. This MFS image likely does not have bash, dd, or smartclt installed, these programs are run from the server ops directory /proj/emulab-ops/nodecheck/`uname -s`/`uname -m`/

/proj/emulab-ops/nodecheck/FreeBSD/bin-i386 /smartctl
/proj/emulab-ops/nodecheck/Linux/bin-x86 /tdd
/proj/emulab-os/nodecheck/Linux/bin-x86_64 /dd
/proj/emulab-os/nodecheck/Linux/bin-i686 /tdd

Each of these helper programs are statically linked.

FreeBSD utilities

The FreeBSD versions of these programs where created from the coreutils package, build command:

[dreading@ops ~/coreutils-8.0]$ cat STATIC_README

cd coreutils-8.0
export CFLAGS="-static -O2 -g"

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Bootstraping the Checknode system


Enabling the hwinfo operation of tmcc.

The hwinfo operation only returns information for allocated (i.e., not in the free pool), physical nodes. Exactly what hwinfo returns, depends on how much state there is for a node in the Emulab database.

tmcc will always return the site-wide TESTINFO information based on the values of the nodecheck/collect and nodecheck/check site variables. The former indicates that the checknode suite should collect current information about the node and create an inventory file as previously described. The latter tells checknode that it should check the current values against those returned by hwinfo and report problems. An Emulab site will probably have nodecheck/check always set non-zero but might only set nodecheck/collect to gather initial information about nodes for populating the database. At Utah, we always collect information and periodically compare the collected reports to check for consistency.

CPUINFO and MEMINFO lines are only returned if there is per-node-type (or per-node) information in the database node_type_attributes (or node_attributes) table. The relevant attributes are:

  • cpu_sockets: value returned for CPUINFO SOCKETS=<val>
  • cpu_cores: value returned for CPUINFO CORES=<val>
  • cpu_threads: value returned for CPUINFO THREADS=<val>
  • cpu_speed: value returned for CPUINFO SPEED=<val>
  • cpu_bits: value returned for CPUINFO BITS=<val>
  • cpu_hv: value returned for CPUINFO HV=<val>
  • mem_size value returned for MEMINFO SIZE=<val>

Typically these are just set per node-type, but if you have an instance of a node type that, say, has less memory than others, you can set a node_attributes value for that node to override the type value. hwinfo will return values for whichever of these attributes are set.

Note that there are three related pre-existing node_type attributes: frequency, memory and processor, that are set when a node_type is added to the testbed, but we opted not to use these to avoid any future conflicts with their meanings. It is quite possible that these will be removed in the future.

The values of the DISKINFO fields come from the database storage subsystem tables and you should use the gen_sql script mentioned below to populate these. The basic entry for a drive is in the blockstores table, and this row contains the unique index, node name, a disk name, and the size. A blockstore_attributes table row should contain the same index and the serial number for the drive. Currently the read and write speeds of the disk are not represented in the database. Likely, they will also be attributes.

Finally, NETINFO information comes from the database interfaces table. This interface information for a node is added when the node is added to the testbed.

operational flags

The first line returned by a call of tmcc hwinfo gives some operational parameters for how the tests should be run.

TESTINFO LOGDIR="/proj/emulab-ops/nodecheck" COLLECT=1 CHECK=1

LOGDIR  path to persistent storage for saving output results.
COLLECT run test, output results some place persistent.
CHECK   run test, normalize results, compare to DB info, report any errors.


Insertion of common node_type HW parameters such as cpu characterizes, memory size, etc.

Setting of parameters for individual nodes

Populating the testbed with hard drive information

The population of hard drive information is done with a utility call gen_sql installed in the checknode source directory. It must be on the boss machine of the testbed. It takes no arguments and does nothing but output sql script.

boss:./checknode$ ./gen_sql
#BYHAND mysql -e "insert into interfaces set node_id='gpu1',mac='021fc600a848',card=X,port=X,interface_type='?',iface='ethX',role='?',uuid='1edf31cf-876c-11e3-83eb-001143e453fe';" tbdb
#BYHAND mysql -e "insert into interfaces set node_id='pc423',mac='0024e87928ba',card=X,port=X,interface_type='?',iface='ethX',role='?',uuid='1f1248a1-876c-11e3-83eb-001143e453fe';" tbdb
mysql -e "insert into blockstores values (1066, 'pc498', 'disk1', 0, 'sata-generic', 'element', 476940, 1, now());" tbdb
mysql -e "insert into blockstore_attributes values (1066, 'serialnum', 'WD-WMAYP3579753', 'string');" tbdb
mysql -e "insert into blockstores values (1067, 'pc498', 'disk2', 0, 'sata-generic', 'element', 238418, 1, now());" tbdb
mysql -e "insert into blockstore_attributes values (1067, 'serialnum', '9SF16YWS', 'string');" tbdb
mysql -e "update emulab_indicies set idx=1068 where name='next_bsidx';" tbdb

To update the database simple run the command thusly:

boss:./checknode$ ./gen_sql | bash

Assuming that your database has is called tbdb.

Notice that there are commands which start with the comment "#BYHAND" these are command that are dangerous or gen_sql does not have all the information to operate on. The commands should be studied and run by hand if approbate.

Generate state of the testbed using the 'runreport' command

The following assumes the directory /proj/emulab-ops/nodecheck/nodecheck exists (it could be anywhere) that contains the following:

-rwxr-xr-x   gen_sql
lrwxr-xr-x   checkdrift -> gen_sql
lrwxr-xr-x   checkinventorydrift -> gen_sql
lrwxr-xr-x   runreport -> gen_sql

The runreport command can executed by hand or it can be put in a crontab file such as:

# crontab file to run emulab inventory checks
CHECKNODE_MTA="sendmail -t"
0 5 * * * (cd /proj/emulab-ops/nodecheck/nodecheck; ./runreport)

Day-to-day operations

Console Line logging in mfs mode
Running Hardware Inventory Gather
 Gathering Inventory.. Starting diskcheck.. Cpucheck.. Starting Memcheck.. Starting niccheck.. Done Running Hardware Inventory
Execption output - disk order
Running Hardware Inventory Gather
 Gathering Inventory.. Starting diskcheck.. Cpucheck.. Starting Memcheck.. Starting niccheck.. ERROR DISKs: OUT OF ORDER found 3KS0XJK4 3KS0XJW1 from tbdb 3KS0XJW1 3KS0XJK4
Done Running Hardware Inventory
Diff reporting
Diff Report for pc542 @ Tue Nov 12 15:23:37 MST 2013
Kernel Linux 3.2.7 #8 SMP Fri May 25 14:19:38 MDT 2012 x86_64
ERROR DISK OUT OF ORDER found WD-WMAYP4243392 from tbdb WD-WMAYP4243392 9SF16T3N
DISKINFO does not match



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Developer notes


The is the boot-time startup script.


Umbrella script that will call the rest of the scripts

Gather as information about the Hard Drives:
  • Number of Drives
  • Serial number
  • State of Write Cache Bit Enable
  • Type of drive
  • Sector size
  • Number of Sectors
  • Write Speed
  • Read Speed
  • Device Name
  • Size of HD
  • Temperature
  • Model number
  • OS Driver
  • The Write and Read speed tests are only done in mfs mode to avoid corruption of data on the disk.

Gather information about the CPU:

  • Number of sockets
  • Number of cores per socket
  • Number of threads per core
  • Speed of the CPU
  • Native mode of CPU 64-bit or 32-bit.
  • State of HyperViser bit
Check the clock synchronism with network time. Timecheck only runs in non-mfs mode.
Discovers the amount of memory in the system
Gather information of the NIC adapters on the node:
  • type of the interface
  • mac address.
Information (inventory) logging
Local node logging
Logs containing more information then what is output on the console are saved in /var/emulab/log/nodecheck.log
Development/bootstrap utilities


Search the inventory files and list drives that don't have the WriteCacheEnable bit set.


Compare the inventory files against each other looking for changes between runs.


Support functions that all other scripts source including gen_sqlThe following are some useful function which can be included by other scripts. 
# A calling script needs to first source the utility file and then call initialize()

source checkutils.h 
initialize () 

# the following function then become available
readtmcinfo () 
    # read hw inventory from 'tmcc hwinfo' or a file. 
    # copy into one of three arrays hwinv, hwinvcopy or tmccinfo

comparetmcinfo () 
    # compare arrays hwinv and copyhwinv. diffs are sent to a outputfile
printhwinv ()  
    # output a complete listing of all info in the array hwinv

    # output from the array hwinv only the data which should be in the testbed database 
    # in the same format as 'tmcc hwinfo'

Bash is used for all the scripts that run in checknode except for rc.checknode which is written in sh. Bash version 4 is required

# if var is not set then create var, and optionally set it 
 [[ -z "${var-}" ]] && declare var
# "#${a+$a}" use $a if it exists else use nothing 
# example: test to see if an array has something in it, if not then ... 
 if [ -z ${hwinvcopy[$1]}+${hwinvcopy[$1]}} ] ; then 

# $1 could hold a log file name or it could be empty, if empty use a default 
# needed since -u set and can't reference a unset variable. IE we can't test $1 
# to see if it has a value. 

sql commands that can be helpful

# to get HD info from serial number
select b.node_id,b.bs_id,b.bsidx,a.attrvalue from blockstores as b,blockstore_attributes as a where b.bsidx=a.bsidx and b.role='element' and a.attrkey='serialnum' and a.attrvalue='$sn';
# to get HD info from node_id
select b.node_id,b.bs_id,b.bsidx,a.attrvalue from blockstores as b,blockstore_attributes as a where b.bsidx=a.bsidx and b.role='element' and a.attrkey='serialnum' and b.node_id='pc510';
# to get bsidx from serial number
db_bsidx=$(mysql -B -N -e "select b.bsidx from blockstores as b,blockstore_attributes as a where b.bsidx=a.bsidx and b.role='element' and a.attrkey='serialnum' and a.attrvalue='$sn';" tbdb)
# to get serial number from bsidx
db_sn=$(mysql -B -N -e "select a.attrvalue from blockstores as b,blockstore_attributes as a where b.bsidx=a.bsidx and b.role='element' and a.attrkey='serialnum' and b.bsidx=$bsidx;" tbdb);



bash_ref.pdf (application/pdf)
bash_manual.pdf (application/pdf)
bash_readlinemanual.pdf (application/pdf)
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 08:42