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Emulab FAQ: Policy: Citing Emulab in papers that use Emulab

Emulab FAQ: Policy: Citing Emulab in papers that use Emulab

In order to assess the testbed's impact and report to our sponsors, we simply require notice of all publications or patents to which the testbed contributed. Formal acknowledgement in such publications is required as well, by citing the following paper:

An Integrated Experimental Environment for Distributed Systems and Networks, by White, Lepreau, Stoller, Ricci, Guruprasad, Newbold, Hibler, Barb, and Joglekar, appeared at OSDI 2002, December 2002.

You can use this BibTex entry to cite Emulab.

Once your paper is accepted (or turned into a tech report), we require that you use this form to add it to the Published papers that have used Emulab page.